Aktivni odmor

Brela – mjesto koje voli čitav svijet[:en]Brela – a place liked by the whole world


 Znate li zašto su Brela jedno od najzvučnijih domaćih imena u svjetskim turističkim krugovima?


VOLI IH I FORBES. Nas ta činjenica nimalo ne čudi, kada su se dojmila i jednog ozbiljnog, renomiranog poslovnog časopisa poput Forbesa, koji je svojedobno mjesnu plažu Punta Rata svrstao među 10 najljepših na svijetu!

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Naime, upravo su kilometarske prirodne šljunčane plaže, uzduž kojih se proteže ugodna šetnica okružena borovima i ljetnim lokalima, sinonim za ovo mjesto koje se zasluženo ovjenčalo brojnim priznanjima struke: od Turističkog cvijeta za najljepše turističko mjesto na hrvatskom dijelu Jadrana i prestižnog Brončanog cvijeta Europe za 2005.

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PRIRODNE I KULTURNE ZNAMENITOSTI OD KOJIH ZASTAJE DAH. Renome u turističkom sektoru nije jedini razlog iz kojeg su Brela mnogo više od tek malog mjesta na Makarskoj rivijeri.

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Naime, ovdje je priroda sebi uistinu dala mašti na volju, pa se ima što i vidjeti – od spomenika prirode Kamen Brela koji je postao svojevrsni zaštitni znak mjesta, pa do Vruje – mjesta gdje se litice obrušavaju u more na dubine veće od 100m.


Poseban kuriozitet je Park prirode Biokovo, i naravno, sama planina koja se brižno nadvila nad mjestom i „prati“ dešavanja u svom podnožju svojim budnim „okom“!

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Ljubiteljima razgledavanja preporučamo i mističnu „Nevistinu stinu i „svatove“ koje je navodno okamenila zla kob, ali i razgled brojnih pitoresknih sakralnih građevina, među kojima crkva Gospe od Karmela, za čiju je izgradnju zaslužan biskup Nikola Bijanković nakon pobjede nad Turcima kod Sinja, slavi svoju 300-tu obljetnicu.

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PRIMAMLJIVA PONUDA ZA LJUBITELJE ADRENALINA. No, želite li da uspomene koje ćete ponijeti iz Brela budu uistinu jedinstvene i nezaboravne, što kažete na vožnju kajakom koja će vam pružiti užitak u razgledavanju panorame Brela, ili pak nezaboravnog zalaska sunca s mora, te ronjenju upotpunjenom uzbudljivim fotografiranjem pod morskom površinom?


Ove aktivnosti dostupne su u sklopu atraktivnih tura za ljubitelje aktivnog odmora, a izvrsna su prilika da se dan započne skokom u kristalno čistu morsku vodu temperature od ugodnih 18°C, istraže divlje plaže i podmorje oko Kamena Brela, „uhvati“ jedinstven trenutak zalaska sunca, a dan zaokruži na čaroban, gotovo filmski način – ukusnim dalmatinskim obrokom ili pak osvježavajućim koktelom u nekom od mjesnih restorana.

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A od još „vratolomija“ – točnije od kanjona i brzaca rijeke Cetine, a samim tim i atraktivnog raftinga i zip line-a, dijeli vas tek nekih 20 kilometara!

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Posjetite Brela i provjerite zašto ovo područje polako, ali sigurno postaje nova oaza aktivnog odmora.

Program ljetnih događanja pogledajte na linku


Photo: Tz Brela

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 Did you know that Brela are one of our the most famous domestic names in tourist circles worldwide?


Forbes also likes them. We aren’t surprised by this fact, since one of the most serious and renowned business magazine was delighted by it, so it put Brela’s beach Rat among 10 the most beautiful in the world!

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Namely, kilometres long pebble beaches, along which stretches a pleasant walkway surrounded by pine trees and summer cafes, are a synonym for this place that has won numerous acknowledgments of tourist profession: from Tourist flower for the most beautiful tourist place in the Adriatic and prestigious Bronze flower of Europe for 2005.

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NATURAL AND CULTURAL SIGHTS THAT ARE SIMPLY BREATHTAKING. Notability in world of tourism is not the only reason why Brela is much more than just a small place on Makarska Riviera.

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Namely, here the nature has truly let its imagination run wild, so there is a lot to see – from nature sight Kamen Brela that has become a kind of symbol of this place, to Vruja – a place where cliffs swoop down into the sea to depths greater than 100m.


Special rarity is Nature Park Biokovo, and off course, the very mountain that has carefully leaned over the place and watches events in its foothill with its watchful eye!

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Sightseeing enthusiasts are also recommended to visit mystique Bride’s Cliff and bridal procession that was, according to a legend, turned into stone by evil doom. Also we recommend sightseeing numerous picturesque sacral buildings, among which church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, built by Bishop Nikola Bijanković after the victory against Turks near Sinj, celebrates its 300th anniversary.

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TEMPTING OFFER FOR ADRENALINE ENTHUSIASTS. If you want memories of Brela to be truly unique and unforgettable, what about kayaking that will give you the pleasure of sightseeing Brela’s panorama, or even unforgettable sunset from the sea, and diving complemented with exciting photo under the sea?


These activities are available within attractive tours for active vacation enthusiasts, and they are a great chance to start a day with a jump into a crystal clear sea of pleasant 18 ◦C, explore wild beaches and seabed around Kamen Brela, catch a unique sunset, and end the day in a magical way- with a Dalmatian meal or refreshing cocktail in one of the local restaurants.

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And you are only 20 km away from some more exciting stunts –canyon and rapids of Cetina, and thus attractive rafting and zip line! Visit Brela and discover why this area becomes, at a slow, but safe pace, new oasis of active vacation.

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Photo: Tz Brela

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