Hrvatski proizvodi

Hrvatski interijeri[:en]Croatian interiors

[:HR]Hrvatski interijeri – 6 pogleda na sobu

Sprega dizajna, proizvodnje i turističke djelatnosti

Projekt “Hrvatska hotelska soba” nastao je udruživanjem domaćih dizajnera i proizvođača okupljenih u klasteru Hrvatski interijeri, a namijenjen je turističkom sektoru, onima koji žele dizajnom interijera stvarati dodatnu vrijednost svoje ponude te graditi turizam doživljaja za novoga gosta.

Hrvatska je zemlja orijentirana na turizam, s velikim iskustvom i tradicijom u proizvodnji namještaja, a Studij dizajna obrazuje mlade kreativne dizajnere čiji projekti dobivaju nagrade diljem svijeta. Projekt “Hrvatska hotelska soba” udružio je te potencijale, a rješenja potražio u originalnosti autohtonog i izražajnosti tradicionalnog, s time da to nije pogled unatrag nego – slijedeći suvremene potrebe – uspostavljanje kontinuiteta u promicanju onih vrijednosti koje iskreno proizlaze iz hrvatske civilizacijske biti i okvira naše kulture.

Cjenovni razred kao prilika, a ne ograničenje

U promišljanju smjera razvoja projekta “Hrvatska hotelska soba” uzeto je u obzir nekoliko karakteristika na temelju kojih će naručitelj izabrati između više mogućnosti s obzirom na regionalnu raznolikost podneblja, dizajn te cjenovni razred.

Iako cjenovni razred prilično određuje u kojem će se pravcu razvijati projekt, bitno je odmaknuti se od uvriježenih pristupa i podjela koje uvjetuju smjer razmišljanja. Tako hostelski smještaj može zračiti originalnošću, a u promišljanju koncepta luksuzne sobe odstupalo se od klasičnog pojma luksuza i ispitivale su se nove vrijednosti kao što su: tišina, lakoća, iskrenost, nenametljivost, izvornost, element iznenađenja, osobni pristup i niz ostalih vrijednosti koje predstavljaju luksuz za suvremenog (urbanog) čovjeka.

Prepoznatljivost destinacije naglašava se kao bitna stavka, a usklađivanjem cjelokupne ponude sa specifičnostima lokacije turistu se pruža toliko željeni autohtoni doživljaj. Stoga se kao osnovni zahtjevi prilikom dizajniranja interijera u svim cjenovnim razredima prirodno nameću varijabilnost, fleksibilnost, ekspresivnost, ekonomičnost i tehnologičnost. Pod ekspresivnošću se podrazumijeva da odabirom materijala, tekstura i površinske obrade treba omogućiti što kvalitetnije uklapanje u specifičan kontekst hotela-podneblja-regije, dok tehnologičnost podrazumijeva da projektirani elementi namještaja moraju biti usklađeni s tehnologijom tvrtki klastera Hrvatski interijeri s kojima je dogovorena realizacija projekta.

Promjene trendova: Novi turist

Istraživanje o potrebama i doživljajima sve zahtjevnijih turista dovelo je do definicije “novog putnika”. Ona se u osnovi može primijeniti na sve kategorije turista, neovisno o njihovoj platežnoj moći.
Današnji putnici “ne pate” na zvjezdice i one mu nisu referencija. Bitni su mu dojmovi i komentari putnika koji su već bili u nekoj destinaciji, a izravne i osobne dojmove o kvaliteti usluge najčešće iznose putem interneta.
Novi turist se sve kraće zadržava na jednom mjestu, sve manje vremena provodi u hotelskoj sobi jer je usmjeren na istraživanje lokalne kulturne i gastronomske ponude te razonodu, bitno mu je zadovoljstvo potaknuto šarmom destinacije pa kvaliteta usluge i sadržaja postaje važnija od prostornih kapaciteta.

Specifični oblici turizma

Prostor za produljenje sezone, postizanje dobiti i nametanje na konkurentnom tržištu treba tražiti u posebnim oblicima turizma kao što su eko-turizam, uz koji se vezuju ruralni turizam, agroturizam, pa čak i robinzonski turizam… a Hrvatska na malom području zahvaljujući prirodnoj i kulturnoj raznolikosti pruža izobilje mogućnosti za razvoj posebnih sadržaja i usluga. Među njima velike neiskorištene mogućnosti leže, primjerice, u zdravstvenom i wellness turizmu. Konačno, turizam u našim krajevima je i započeo zdravstvenim turizmom.

Naša su nam istraživanja dala ključne odrednice za koncipiranje prostora sobe i ugrađivanje kvalitete zasnovane na bogatoj raznolikosti izvornih elemenata, prostora koji sažima senzibilitet, principe i strukture oblikovanja u ovom podneblju, a onoga tko u njemu boravi nenametljivo upućuje na ekološki odgovoran odnos prema prirodi i okolišu te aspekte važne za zdravlje.


Tel: +385 (0)1 6238 050
Mob: 091 557 97 23
Kontakt osoba: Tatjana Kos

Dizajn frei – dizajn namještaja za hotelske sobe i apartmane

kategorija 3-4 zvjezdice

Projekt “Dizajn frei”, u dvije varijante, namijenjen je nižem i srednjem cjenovnom razredu u hotelskom i privatnom smještaju odnosno apartmanima. Namjera je bila stvoriti namještaj koji se može uklopiti u različite postojeće interijere, s ciljem podizanja komfora na višu razinu bez ulaganja u gradnju i većih zahvata u interijeru. Apartmanski namještaj može se kombinirati s već postojećim ako ga vlasnik želi zadržati. Projekt, u obje varijante, zahvaljujući fleksibilnosti odgovara širini područja koje pokriva, kao i raznolikosti potreba.

Sustavi namještaja za hostele

kategorija 3 zvjezdice

Namještaj za hostele osmišljen je kao modularni sustav koji odgovara potrebi vlasnika i korisnika da kreiraju prostor i prilagođavaju elemente namještaja gabaritima kojima raspolažu. Posebno je zanimljiva integracija dijelova za odlaganje i spavanje, koja omogućuje znatnu uštedu prostora i olakšava odlaganje stvari. Fleksibilnost sustava ostavlja mjesta za nadogradnju, rastavljanje i dodavanje drugih elemenata kako bi se osigurala mogućnost prilagodbe i promjene, vrlo svojstvene hostelima, a također dopušta individualizaciju prostora pomoću dopunske opreme kao što su police, vješalice, podnožja, ormari i svjetiljke.

Luksuzna hotelska soba

kategorija 4-5 zvjezdica

Luksuzna hotelska soba namijenjena je “novom turistu” koji traži doživljaj, a oblikovana je kao nastavak eksterijera u svrhu postizanja maksimalne usklađenosti s destinacijom – od valova, raspuklina na stijeni, preko prizora iz podmorja, do odraza sunca u moru. Ideja je da svaki element ima posebnu priču te da djeluje kao autorski projekt, po uzoru na umjetnička djela, koja su uvijek dio inventara luksuznih soba. Također, pojedine elemente moguće je dodatno prilagoditi konkretnim lokalitetima prenošenjem motiva koji su im svojstveni.

Teksture, strukture i oblici naznačuju prirodu, horizont, šumu, more… ali svi su elementi – namještaj, rasvjeta i dekor, oblikovani slojevito, što gosta potiče da istražuje i zaviri u svaki kutak, jer se tek korištenjem otkriva njihov puni sadržaj.


kategorija 3-4 zvjezdice

Oprema sobe meetings hotela s 3-4 zvjezdice pripada small and friendly kategoriji, a smještaj mora zadovoljiti poslovne i boravišne potrebe gosta. U relativno skučenom prostoru preklapaju se aktivnosti jer boravak uključuje spavanje povezano s odmaranjem, komunikacijom i radom. Tako su nastali modularni elementi koji nude četiri varijante rješenja, a soba je podijeljena na prostore za spavanje, boravljenje i rad, za higijenu te na ulazni dio. Presudno je da soba pruža sistematičnu, praktičnu i ekonomičnu organizaciju višefunkcionalnih dijelova interijera pa se prišlo oblikovanju hibridnih elemenata namještaja. Daljnja razrada omogućuje i stvaranje čitavih sustava soba.

Hotelska soba za eko-turizam

kategorija 3-4 zvjezdice

Hotelska soba za eko-turizam ispunjena je hrvatskim “eko” namještajem razgranate forme. Cilj je bio u što većoj mjeri turistima približiti prirodni okoliš, a dosljednost ovakvog pristupa očituje se i u korištenju prirodnih, ekoloških materijala (masivno drvo hrast, lan i vuna) te u štednji energije u svakom pogledu. Također, soba se i doslovno povezuje s prirodnim okolišem velikom staklenom stijenom. Namještaju je pridodana i škrinja ispunjena edukativnim i informativnim materijalima, porukama prethodnih gostiju te pokojim tradicionalnim predmetom kako bi se gosta potaklo da “uroni” u kulturno bogatstvo lokaliteta, osjeti komadić tradicije i krene u daljnje istraživanje.

Hotelska soba za zdravstveni i wellness turizam

kategorija 3-4 zvjezdice

Zdravlje nije odsustvo bolesti, nego stanje općeg blagostanja koje treba razvijati i čuvati, a takvo poimanje otvara mogućnost za objedinjavanje zdravstvenog (do sada samo rehabilitacijskog) i wellness turizma. Kako oblikovati ambijent koji osvješćuje i educira o zdravlju te pridonosi oporavku onoga tko u njemu boravi? Pričom! Priča o zdravlju ispričana je kroz prostorna poglavlja/zone koje se međusobno prožimaju te sadržajem i atmosferom govore o aspektima važnima za zdravlje. Ulaskom u sobu želi se dati do znanja da se svakodnevne brige i navike ostavljaju za sobom te da započinje proces oporavka i uspostavljanja ravnoteže i sklada.[:en][nivo effect=”fade” directionNav=”button” controlNav=”true” width=”620 px” height=”360 px”]
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Croatian interiors – a link between design, manufacture and tourism

Room with a view is a synonym for a pleasurable stay at the destinations that depend a lot on their natural attractiveness. Today we must seek new views on depth, quality and recognition of the service, which provides a context for ‘Six views on the room’ Project.
The Project ‘Six views on the room’ came as a result of a merger of domestic designers and manufacturers associated in the Croatian Interiors cluster, and is aimed at the tourism sector – people who wish to realize additional value of their particular offer and create a tourism of experience for their new guests through interior design.

Croatia is a tourism-oriented country with a great experience and tradition in furniture manufacture. The Design Studies is educating the young generations of creative designers whose projects have been winning international prizes. The ‘Six views on the room’ Project has successfully joined all these potentials and found the right solutions in originality of the autochthonous and the expressionism of the traditional. The project is not oriented towards the past, just the contrary: it has established continuity in the promotion of those values which have originated from the Croatian civilization and culture by following the modern needs.

Price range as an opportunity, not a limitation

While pondering over the potential orientation of the ‘Six views on the room’ Project, the designers took into account several characteristics which would serve as a basis for the prospective investor’s choice between various possibilities regarding regional diversity, design and price range.

Although it is the price range that mostly defines the path in which the project is to be developing, it is necessary to take a step back from the established approaches and division which predefine the way of thinking, and this is just how the new approach works. Hotel accommodation can air originality because the concept of a deluxe room took a step back from the classic notion of luxury and took one towards new values such as quiet, ease, truthfulness, unobtrusiveness, originality, element of surprise, personal approach and numerous other values which are synonymous for luxury of the modern (urban) individual.

Destination recognition is emphasized as a very important element, while the coordination of the whole offer with the location particularities offer the tourist the sensation of originality he is yearning for. This is exactly why the following items have become dominant in interior design in all price ranges: variability, flexibility, expression, cost effectiveness and technology. Expression presupposes that the particular choice of material, texture and surface treatment should allow quality incorporation into a specific hotel-climate-region context, while technology implies that all the manufactured elements are in compliance with the cluster companies’ technology.

Changed trends: the new tourist

A research into the needs and experiences of the ever more demanding tourist has led to the definition of a ‘new traveler’. This category can easily be applied to all tourist categories regardless of their purchase power.
The today’s traveler is not obsessed with ‘stars seeking’ and these are no reference at all. What he values most are impressions and comments from other travelers who have already been there and who are sharing their opinions and experiences over the Internet.

The new traveler does not stay in one place for a long time and he certainly spends less of his time in his hotel room since he is more oriented towards exploration of the local cultural and gastronomic offer. He is also a fun-seeker and values the charm of the destination and quality of the tourist offer more than the spatial capacities themselves.

Specific tourism forms

Expanding the season, gaining profit and grabbing the best possible market position over the competitors should be found in special forms of tourism, such as eco, rural, agro and Robinson-like tourism. Thanks to its natural and cultural diversity, Croatia is able to offer a wide range of possibilities for the development of special facilities and services on a somewhat small geographical space. There are still unutilized potentials in health and wellness tourism. Let’s not forget that the origins of Croatian tourism come from health tourism.

Our research has offered us some key guidelines for room conceptions, as well as for incorporating quality based on a rich diversity of original elements in order to gain spaces merging sensibility, principles and structural shapes of the particular location. The person dwelling in such a space is subtly incited towards an environmentally friendly approach to nature, as well as other health-related aspects.


Tel: +385 (0)1 6238 050
Mob: 091 557 97 23
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Kontakt osoba: Tatjana Kos

Design frei – furniture for hotel rooms and apartments

3-4 star category

The ‘Design Frei’ Project, in its two variants, is aimed at lower and middle price range in hotel and private accommodation. It was our intention to create furniture which could easily be incorporated into various existing interiors with the aim of raising comfort to a higher level without any additional investments in construction or major interior works. Furniture for apartments can be incorporated with the existing one should the owner wish to keep it. In its both variants the Project features flexibility allowing it to suit the wideness of the covered area, as well as diversity of needs.

Systems for hostels

3 stars category

Furniture for hostels is designed as a modular system meeting the needs of hostel owners and users in order to create more space and adjust furniture elements to the special spatial requirements. This particular type of furniture has a special feature of integration of elements for storing and sleeping. Flexibility of the system leaves enough space for upgrading, separating and adding other elements in order to secure possibility for adjusting and modifying, two characteristics often linked with hostels. Moreover, it allows individualization of space by using additional equipment such as shelves, hangers, bottom parts, wardrobes and lamps.

Luxurious hotel room

4-5 stars category

The luxurious hotel room is reserved for the ‘new traveler’ seeking experiences and is shaped as a continuation of the exterior in order to achieve maximum harmony with the destination itself – from waves, rock crevices, submarine scenes to reflections of the sun on the sea. The idea is for each of the elements to have its own story and stand as an individual project just like proper works of art which are usually a part of the luxurious hotel room inventory. Furthermore, some elements are further adjustable to particular localities by transferring their particular motifs.

Textures, structures and shapes allude to nature, horizon, woodland, sea … but all the elements – furniture, lighting and decorum – are designed in layers which incites the guest to explore each hidden corner since only by using the elements will he be able to discover their full contents.


3-4 stars category

The meetings hotel room for 3-4 star hotels belongs to small and friendly category and the accommodation has to meet all the guests’ requirements regarding business and other particular need. All the activities are overlapping in a relatively limited space since the guest is sleeping, relaxing, communicating and working in the same room. This fact resulted in modular elements offering four different variants separating the room into space for sleeping, lounge and working area, hygiene area and entrance. It is important for the room to offer a systematic, practical and economical organization of parts of the interior so designers opted for a more hybrid furniture elements. A further development allows creation of a whole range of room systems.

Hotel room for eco-tourism

3-4 star category

The eco-tourism hotel room is filled with Croatian ‘eco’ furniture of a highly developed form. The aim was to introduce the natural surroundings to the guests and the consistency of such an approach is visible in the application of natural, environmentally-friendly materials (hardwood oak, cotton and wool) and energy savings. The room is literally connected with the natural surroundings by wide glass surfaces. The furniture is accompanied by the traditional chest filled with educational and informational material, previous guests’ notes and some traditional artifacts in order to incite the guest to ‘dive into’ the cultural heritage, feel a part of the tradition and set off on a journey of further discovery.

Health and wellness tourism hotel room

3-4 stars category

Health is not absence of illness, but a feeling of overall wellbeing which has to be nurtured and kept safe. This particular viewpoint facilitates a merger of health (up until now only rehabilitation) and wellness tourism. How to arrange the ambiance which will incite the guest to ponder about and educate him about his own health, as well as speed up his recovery? By telling a story! The story about health is told through spatial chapters/zones which overlap, by contents and atmosphere which talk about various aspects important for preservation of health. By entering the room, the guest is invited to leave behind his daily worries and habits and set off on a journey of swift recovery and matching the right balance and harmony.