[:HR]Splitski Advent, nametnuo se u proteklih nekoliko godina definitivno kao jedna od najuspješnijih zimskih priča Dalmacije i obale. Kombinacija ponude božićnog repertoara koji uključuje vrhunske gastro poslastice i cjelodnevnu zabavu uz neodoljiv morski šušur razigranog Splita, nešto je što se ne propušta.

Sunčani Advent uz neizostavne splitske kućice na Rivi, Prokurativama i Voćnom trgu postali su tako ultimativni simboli zabave, druženja, topline blagdana i ljubavi koja se pojačano širi Dioklecijanovim gradom tih dana.
Donosimo vam raspored zbivanja Adventa u Splitu i pozivamo vas da istražite zašto sve više turista računa na Split van ljetne sezone.

Advent u Splitu počinje 28.11.2015. godine do 09.01.2016. godine. Spektakularna Bajamontijeva fontana uprizorit će početak Adventa jer će se tamo upaliti prva adventska svijeća a bogati program nastaviti će se narednih 40 dana na svim gradskim trgovima.
Ako ste planirali posjetu Splitu, preporuka je da ne propustite 01.12. kada će se u 18 sati otvoriti Božićni sajam, a otvorenje će biti popraćeno cjelovečernjim koncertom grupe Pop art.
Splitske kućice kao dio bogate turističke ponude Splita, svakako će biti atraktivan mamac posjetiteljima koji če doslovno na svakom kutku imati što pojesti i popiti.

Atraktivni koncerti i DJ nastupi, svojim glazbenim programom oživit će čaroliju noćnih ura, a štovatelji kulture biti će oduševljeni nastupima crkvenih zborova koji će priređivati svečane božićne koncerte.

Splitski kolorit tih dana posebno se ističe blagdanskim bojama i čudesnim ugođajem mediteranske zimske bajke, a gradski trgovi postaju adventske pozornice. Na splitskoj Pjaci održava se manifestacija „Advent na Pjaci“. Uz bogatu gastronomsku ponudu predstavlja se božićna tradicija hrvatskih regija. Bogat glazbeni program ispred Stare Vijećnice nadopunjuje dodatno i zanimljiv kulturni program.
Ljubitelje umjetnosti i kulture Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Split, darovati će bogatim programom u kojem se posebno ističe tradicionalni Božićni i Novogodišnji koncert.

Split je mislio i na najmlađe kojima će glazbeni i dramski programi, plesni nastupi i prigodni darovi, biti samo dio brojnih veselih iznenađenja. Na centralnu pozornicu na Rivi, uz pune vreće poklona i zvukove veselih blagdanskih pjesama, penjat će se tako najdraži blagdanski likovi koji će oduševiti djecu i roditelje.

04.12. sv. Nikola svojim zabavnim programom i prigodnim poklonima, razveseliti će djecu s Odjela za dječje bolesti KBC Split. Akcija “Sv. Luce donosi osmijeh”, u trajanju od 07.12. do 13.12., već tradicionalno senzibilizira javnost o problemima djece iz Doma „Maestral“.

Kraj akcije obilježiti će veliki koncert 13.12. na Rivi. 05.12. u sklopu Međunarodnog dana volontera udruga „Most“ organizira dječji program na Rivi, a sav prihod namijenjen je radu socijalne samoposluge „Solidarnost“. Ove godine adventska događanja prilagođena su djeci s posebnim potrebama, stoga 07.12. u suradnji s HŽ Putničkim prijevozom organizira se prigodni vlakić koji će našoj djeci ove blagdane učiniti nezaboravnim.
Nitko nije maštovitije dočekao veliki snijeg prije nekoliko godina doli Splićani. Stoga ne čudi da će od 15.12. u velikoj dvorani Spaladium arene biti postavljeno jedno od najvećih klizališta u Hrvatskoj, čija će ponuda biti dodatno zaokružena bogatom ponudom hrane, pića i slastica. Ledena atrakcija obiluje klizačkim nastupima, dječjim predstavama, a posebno valja istaknuti bajku na ledu “Šuma Striborova”.

Svaki dan na Rivi nastupaju različiti izvođači i tulum traje dugo u noć.

Već šestu godinu za redom u gradu pod Marjanom održava se „Gastro Advent“.
Adventski se vijenci izrađuju od namirnica iz mediteranske kuhinje a gosti gastroadventa dolaze iz raznih zemalja svijeta. Multikulturalnost kroz druženje turista i domaćih ljudi samo doprinosi pozitivnom ozračju kojeg Split doista nudi na dlanu.

Brojni splitski restorani u to vrijeme u svojim ponudama imaju odabrana adventska jela po popularnim cijenama, od bakalara na razne načine, preko frankfurtskih rebaraca s kiselim kupusom i mađarskog gulaša, do adventske guske s crvenim kupusom.

Uz bogatu gastronomsku ponudu predstavlja se božićna tradicija hrvatskih regija . Organiziran je bogat glazbeni program ispred Stare Vijećnice kojeg nadopunjuje kulturni program. Ljubitelje umjetnosti i kulture Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Split, darovati će bogatim programom u kojem se posebno ističe tradicionalni Božićni i Novogodišnji koncert.

Kako Split živi i diše u ritmu radosti života i zabave, njegov doček Nove godine, zapravo je kulminacija manifestacije „Advent u Splitu“. Prva na sceni nastupa dobitnica Porina za najbolju žensku vokalnu izvedbu Sara Renar, a u novu godinu ulazimo uz hitove jednog od najboljih hip- hop bendova na ovim prostorima, The Beet Fleet (TBF). Za odličnu atmosferu do sitnih jutarnjih sati zadužen je jedinstveni Psihomodo Pop i splitskoj publici dobro poznat, DJ Pero Fullhouse.

Za kraj, sastavili smo nekoliko zanimljivosti o splitskom Adventu:
- Gastro Advent u Splitu se održava već šestu godinu i jedinstven je u svijetu po organizaciji i maštovito osmišljenom programu.
- Jeste znali da se svake nedjelje u prosincu pale adventske svijeće, a čast donošenja svjetla pripada novinarima?
- Ili da se Adventski vijenci izrađuju od namirnica iz mediteranske kuhinje, u koju je utkana dugotrajna tradicija zdravih okusa?
- Jeste znali da gosti gastro adventa dolaze iz raznih zemalja svijeta, promičući tako svoje običaje i delicije u brojnim splitskim restoranima, što je svojevrsna razmjena adventskih čarolija, kroz okuse i mirise Božića. I da možete birati razna jela drukčijih kultura, te uštedjeti na cijeni ručka ili večere i usput se educirati o gastro povijesti raznih krajeva.
Posjetite stoga Split i doživite jedinstveni Advent, uz obavezni accessoire – sunčane naočale!
Fotografije:Adventilacija NA RIVI, Darko Stipanicev, Tz Split
Sponzorirani članak 25.11.2015[:en]Split’s Advent has recently become one of the most successful winter stories of Dalmatia and coast. Diverse Christmas repertoire that includes top quality gastro delicacies and whole-day entertainment with irresistible sea vibes of playful Split – that’s something you don’t want to miss.

Sunny Advent with unavoidable little houses on Riva, Prokurative and Voćni Square have become the ultimate symbols of fun, gathering, holiday warmth and love that increasingly spreads through Diocletian’s city these days.
We bring you a schedule of events and invite you to explore why more and more tourists are counting on Split out of high season.

Advent in Split lasts from 28 November 2015 to 9 December 2016. Spectacular Bajamotni Fountain will mark the beginning of Advent because there the first Advent candle will be lit, while rich programme will continue for the next 40 days on all city squares.
If you plan to visit Split we recommend you not to miss 1 December when at 6 p.m. Christmas Fair will be opened, and the opening is going to be followed by concert of Pop Art group. Split’s houses, as rich part of Split’s tourist offer, will most certainly be an attractive bate for visitors who will have, literally in every corner, something to eat and drink.

Attractive concerts and DJ performances will bring to life the magic of night hours, and culture enthusiasts will be delighted with concerts of church quires that will organize ceremonial Christmas concerts.

Colours of Split are especially festive on those days and they create miraculous atmosphere of Mediterranean winter fairy-tale, while city squares become Advent stages. On Split’s Pjaca there will be a manifestation “Advent on Pjaca” . With rich gastronomic offer Christmas tradition of Croatian regions will be presented. Rich music program in front of Old City Hall will be fulfilled by interesting cultural program.

Art and culture enthusiasts will be presented with rich program by Croatian National Theatre in which traditional Christmas and New Year’s concerts are specially worth mentioning.

Split didn’t forget about the youngest ones who will be pleasantly surprised by music, drama and dance performances, as well as by special presents, and this is all just a part of numerous merry surprises. On central stage on Riva, with bags full of presents and accompanied by sounds of merry Christmas songs, favourite holiday characters will be climbing to delight both children and parents.

Charity actions
On 4 December St. Nicholas will delight children in KBC Split hospital with entertaining program and nice presents. Action “St. Lucy brings smile” that will last from 7 December to 13 December is traditionally bringing public’s attention to problems of children from “Maestral” children’s home.

The end of this action will be marked by great concert on Riva, on 13 December.
On 5 December Association of Volunteers “Most” will organize a program for children on Riva, and the whole profit goes to social shop “Solidarity”. This year Advent events are adapted for children with special needs, so on 7 December, in cooperation with HŽ Transportation a nice train will be organized that will make these holidays memorable for all our children.
No one welcomed snow more imaginatively a few years ago than Split people. So it is no surprise that from 15 December in great hall of Spaladium Arena there will be set up one of the greatest skating rinks in Croatia. The offer will be additionally fulfilled by rich food, beverages and sweets offer. Ice attraction abounds in ice-skating performances, shows for children, and fairy-tale on ice “Šuma Striborova” should be especially singled out.

Every day on Riva there are different performers and the party lasts long into the night.

For six years now in the city on the slopes of Marjan Gastro Advent has been held. Advent wreaths are made of groceries from Mediterranean cuisine while guests come from all over the world. Multiculturalism through socialising of tourists and locals only adds to positive atmosphere that Split has truly to offer.

Numerous restaurants in Split have carefully selected Advent dishes available at special price, from codfish prepared in various ways to Frankfurt’s ribs with sour cabbage and Hungarian stew, to Advent geese with red cabbage.

Christmas tradition of Croatian regions is also presented with rich gastronomic offer. Rich music program is also organized in front of Old City Hall which is accompanied by cultural program.
Art and culture enthusiasts will be presented with rich program by Croatian National Theatre in which traditional Christmas and New Year’s concerts are specially worth mentioning.

As Split lives and breathes in the rhythm of life joy and entertainment, its New Year’s Eve is actually culmination of “Advent in Split” manifestation. First on the scene is “Porin” award winner for the best female vocal interpretation Sara Renar, and we will enter new year with verses of one of the best hip-hop bends in the region, The Beet Fleet (TBF). Unique Psihomodo Pop will be responsible for great atmosphere till the dawn and also DJ Pero Fullhouse, well known to Split’s audience.

We have left few curiosities about Split Advent for the end:
- Gastro Advent has been held for the 6th year now and is unique in the world for its organization and imaginatively arranged program.
- Did you know that every Sunday in December the honour to light Advent candles and thus bring the light has been given to journalists?
- Or that Advent wreaths are made of groceries from Mediterranean cuisine, in which tradition of healthy tastes has been woven?
Did you know that Gastro Advent guests come from various countries in the world, thus promoting their customs and delicacies in numerous restaurants in Split, which is certain exchange of Advent magic, through tastes and scents of Christmas?
And you can chose from dishes from different cultures; save money due to special prices of lunch and dinner and educate yourself about gastro history of different regions.
Visit Split and experience unique Advent, with mandatory accessories – sunglasses!
Photos :Adventilacija NA RIVI, Darko Stipanicev, Tz Split
Sponzorirani članak 25.11.2015[:]