Piše: Paul Bradbury
Game of Thrones groznica ne jenjava, turistička agencija Vetus Itinera u Splitu iskoristila povoljan trenutak te pokrenula specijalizirani obilazak glavnih lokacija na području Dalmacije na kojima su snimane scene iz četvrte sezone! Nova je turistička atrakcija, počevši od 22. svibnja, obogatila već ionako uzbudljivu splitsku turističku ponudu, a obilasku lokacija prisustovali su brojni mediji.
Vrhunac ture koja je obuhvatila četiri glavne lokacije – 1700 godina staru Dioklecijanovu palaču, kamenolom u Žrnovnici, Antoničin mlin te povijesnu tvrđavu Klis, bila je prigodna zakuska na tvrđavi s pogledom na cijeli Split, čiji su domaćini bili replika princeze Daenerys i jedan od njenih zloglasnih zmajeva!
Čak i za osobu koja nije ljubitelj serije, ova tura je bila izvrsna prilika za upoznavanje s baštinom, prirodom, tradicijom i gastronomijom Srednje Dalmacije, regije u kojoj turizam cvate, u koju se slijevaju čitave horde turista želeći uživati u jedinstvenoj kombinaciji sunca, mora, povijesti i gastronomije.
Prisustvo stručnog vodiča, te istinskog poznavatelja serije Adriane, bilo je od neprocjenjive vrijednosti za gorljive fanove. Počevši od Dioklecijanove palače, sagrađene kako bi istoimeni imperator imao gdje provesti svoje umirovljeničke dane, Adriana je predvodila skupinu kroz čitav niz lokacija za snimanje, počevši od scene kada su Unsullied vojnici kroz odvode ušli u grad-državu Meereen, prije njihova susreta s robovima.
Vodenica, koja je bila poprištem scene kupanja svećenice Missandei, odiše spokojnom ljepotom.
Bilo je dovoljno vremena i za šetnju vrtovima te upoznavanje s tradicijom mljevenja brašna, koja se odvija na isti način već stoljećima!
Game of Thrones turizam stigao je prošle godine u Hrvatsku, nakon što je serijal sniman u Dubrovniku. Pojavio se niz tematskih tura vezanih za ovu priču, a ljubitelji serije masovno su odlazili na mjesta gdje su zvijezde snimale.
Kliška tvrđava
Poslužena je i večera – vrhunska selekcija tradicionalnih dalmatinskih specijaliteta, pod budnim okom zmaja kojeg su naručili organizatori, agencija Vetus Itinera.
“Željeli smo ponuditi više”, objasnila je Ivana Kovačević, vlasnica agencije Vetus Itinera koja je pokrenula specijaliziranu tematsku turu. “Za Game of Thrones postoji velik interes. Željeli smo našim klijentima pružiti najopsežniji mogući obilazak lokacija značajnih za serijal, ali i priliku da upoznaju prekrasnu prirodu i gastronomiju Dalmacije.”
“Sigurna sam da će se pojaviti još mnogo Game of Thrones tura, koje će nuditi tek djelić onoga što mi pokušavamo učiniti. No mi vjerujemo da će pravi fanovi za sebe htjeti maksimum. To je kao s Guccijem – možete kupiti pravu svar, ili pak nešto što tek nalikuje na pravu stvar!”
Šuška se da će se iduće sezone serijal snimati na novim lokacijama u Dalmaciji – u Šibeniku i Imotskom, pa je potencijal Dalmacije da ovim dodatno proširi i obogati svoju turističku ponudu zbilja primamljiv!
By Paul Bradbury
Split – With Game of Thrones fever continuing, a Split tourist agency Vetus Itinera launches a specialised boutique tour of the main Dalmatian locations of Season 4.
A new tourist attraction arrived on the already busy Split tourism scene on May 22, 2014, with the launch of the first comprehensive boutique tour of the Dalmatian filming locations of popular HBO series Game of Thrones, a tour attended by Digital Journal. The tour, which took in the four main locations of the 1,700 year-old Diocletian’s Palace, the Zrnovnica Quarry, Antonicin water mill at Zrnovnica and the historic fortress at Klis, culminated in a feast overlooking Split from the fortress, an event hosted by a replica Daenerys and one of her infamous dragons.
Even for non-Game of Thrones fans, such as this Digital Journalist, the tour was an excellent introduction to the heritage, nature, traditions and gastronomy of Central Dalmatia, a region where tourism is booming, as tourist flock to experience its unique combination of sun, sea, history and gastronomy.
For true fans, however, the expert knowledge of local guide and true Game of Thrones fan Adriana was an invaluable addition to a highly informative day out. Starting in the cellars of Diocletian’s Palace, built as a retirement home for a Roman Emperor of the same name, Adriana led the group through a series of filming locations, beginning with the scene where the Unsullied entered Meereen through the sewers before meeting the slaves.
A short walk through the historic palace to the City Museum revealed the location where one of the Grand Masters was ambushed and killed by rebelling slaves. One of the strengths of the tour is the ability to blend the story of the Game of Thrones filming with the boundless heritage and history of Split, and a photo op with modern-day Romans guarding the palace of Emperor Diocletian was one such example.
The water mill was the scene of the Missandei bathing scene, and there was no doubting the serene beauty of the location.
There was ample time to wander through the gardens and learn more about the tradition of milling, which has continued in the same manner without interruption for hundreds of years.
Homemade bread, which was served with various domestic rakijas, was ample proof of the quality of the product, and the half-hour stop provided a welcome natural contrast to the busy city of Split.
Included at the mill was a photo album of the actual shooting of Game of Thrones at the location.
A short walk along the pretty river brought the group back to the air-conditioned bus for the short transfer to the next location, the impressive Zrnovnica quarry.
The quarry is an important part of the Season 4 filming, and it was featured in the scene of the arrival of Daenerys at the gates of Meereen (even though there is no actual city or town nearby), as well as the duel between Daario Naharis and the champion of Meereen.
Game of Thrones tourism arrived in Croatia last year after the filming of previous series in Dubrovnik, and tours of a range of quality have emerged as a result, as fans of the series flock to the locations where the stars were filming.
A number of tours have started to appear in Split as well, but the vast majority of them merely cover the basics, and a visit to the water mill or quarry, let alone refreshments are rarely on the menu.
The tour continued to its final, and arguably most impressive location, Klis Fortress, which has been the gateway to inland Dalmatia for centuries.
Waiting to greet her guests was Daenerys herself.
The impressive fortress featured in several scenes in the fourth series, and detailed explanations were forthcoming.
A fitting setting to end the tour, with dinner overlooking Split and the Dalmatian islands
The view from the torchlit ramparts was impressive indeed, with a real sense of history.
And dinner was served, a superb selection of traditional Dalmatian cuisine, all presented under the watchful eye of an attentive dragon, which had been commissioned by event organisers, Vetus Itinera.
Guests were free to mingle and take in a relaxing atmosphere with spectacular views. Various local dignitaries, including the Mayor of Klis, joined the group, with the mayor expressing his enthusiasm for the tour, the first Game of Thrones tour using Kllis Fortress to its full potential by finishing with a banquet.
“We wanted to do something a little extra,” explained Ivana Kovacevic, owner of the agency Vetus Itinera which is running the specialised tour. “We can see that there is plenty of interest in Game of Thrones, and we wanted to give our clients the option of experiencing the most comprehensive tour of Games of Thrones, as well as having an opportunity to experience the wonderful nature and gastronomy of Dalmatia. “I am sure there will be many Game of Thrones tours being offered, which only include a fraction of what we are trying to do, but we believe true fans will want to get the very most out of a tour. It is the same with Gucci: you can buy the real thing or something which resembles the real thing.”
With rumours that next season’s filming will include new Dalmatian locations of Imotski and Sibenik, the potential for Dalmatia to expand its quality Game of Thrones tourism is enticing.