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Biograd na moru – hrvatski kraljevski grad[:en]Biograd on the sea – a city of Croatian kings


Nekad krunidbeni grad hrvatskih kraljeva, Biograd na moru je danas poznati turistički i nautički centar. Leži na poluotoku okruženom modernim marinama i rivom s koje se pruža nezaboravan pogled na Pašmanski kanal i otočiće koji su po njemu razasuti. Biograd se nalazi u okružju čak 5 Nacionalnih parkova i 2 Parka prirode. Blizina Kornatskog arhipelaga i Vranskog jezera, te bogata turistička, sportska i ugostiteljska ponuda samo su neki od razloga za odabir Biograda i okolice.

Biograd na Moru je hrvatski kraljevski grad i prvi put se spominje sredinom 10. St. Najveći procvat je doživio kao prijestolnica srednjovjekovnih hrvatskih vladara, a 1102. god. u njemu je okrunjen hrvatskougarski kralj Koloman. Grad su porušili Mlečani 1125. god, a od drevnih biogradskih zdanja sačuvala se samo bazilika sv. Ivana ( Materijalni dokazi o burnoj prošlosti mogu se razgledati u Zavičajnom muzeju, a medju njima se ističe vrijedna hidroarheološka zbirka s potopljenog broda iz, pronadjenog nedaleko od otočića Gnalić u Paškom kanalu.

Samo desetak minuta vožnje brodom do otoka Pašmana, na brdu Čokovac pored Tkona nalazi se benediktinski samostan Sv. Kuzme i Damjana, sagraden 1125.god. nakon rušenja Biograda, a u mjestu Kraj franjevacki samostan sv. Dujma iz O ne tako davnom civilizacijskom srazu nadomak jadranskoj obali i Biogradu govore i Templarska gradina i Turski (Maškovića) han u obližnjoj Vrani. Ovaj kraj je omiljen kod svih Ijubitelja sportova: tenisa, odbojke, sportova na vodi, posebno jedriličara, surfera i ronilaca i to prije svega zahvaljujući pogodnim klimatskih uvjetima, mnoštvu otoka i otočića, te velikom broju sigurnih vezova u marinama Kornati i Šangulin. U Biogradu se tijekom godine organizira preko 36 različitih regata.

Važnija događanja u 2012. godini

01.06. – 03.06. Festival izvorne hrane, pića, gastro delicija, izvornog suvenira i folklora ENO-EKO-GASTROETNO STOL 2012.
04.08. Biogradska noć
25.10. – 28.10. Biograd boat – show Međunardni sajam nautike
14.09. – 15.09. 59. Svjetsko natjecanje orača

Turistička zajednica grada Biograda

Trg hrvatskih velikana 2
23210 Biograd na Moru
Tel: 023/383 -123
Fax: 023/383 -123

Foto: Arhiv TZ grada Biograda[:en][nivo effect=”fade” directionNav=”button” controlNav=”true” width=”720px” height=”360px”]
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Once the crown city of Croatian kings today Biograd on sea is a well-known tourist and nautical center as well as the center of the Riviera. It lies on a peninsula surrounded by modern marinas and a promenade with an unforgettable view of the Pašman Canal and the islands scattered in it. It is also surrounded by 5 National Parks and 2 Nature Parks, the vicinity of the Kornati Archipelago and Lake Vrana, its long-standing tourist tradition are only some of the reasons for choosing Biograd as a destination for an interesting and dynamic vacation.

Biograd on sea is a Croatian royal city first mentioned in the 10th century while in the 11th century it was the seat of the Croatian kings and bishops. The city flourished as the crown city of the medieval Croatian kings and in 1102 the Hungarian – Croat king Koloman was crowned in it. The city was destroyed by the Venetians in 1125 and the only cultural monument that survived is St. John’s Basilica (11th cent.). Remaining proof of its tumultuous past can be seen in the Native Museum.

We must emphasize a valuable hydro-archeological collection from a sunken 16th century ship found not far from the island of Gnalić in the canal of Pašman. Lake Vrana is rich with fish (carp, catfish and eel) and it is also an ornithologic reservation. It is at a distance of 5 km from Biograd and a favorite vacation and picnic area for nature and fishing lovers. It is worth visiting, especially the old center on the peninsula full of churches, historical buildings, museums and ramparts surrounding the peninsula. The gastronomy has all the characteristics of the best Dalmatian cuisine based on fish and vegetables boiled in plain water. A real delight is food made from lamb, especially stirred over an open fire. More than 36 sailing regattas are organized in Biograd.

Events calendar for 2012

01.06. – 03.06. Festival izvorne hrane, pića, gastro delicija, izvornog suvenira i folklora ENO-EKO-GASTROETNO STOL 2012.
04.08. Biogradska noć
25.10. – 28.10. Biograd boat – show Međunardni sajam nautike
14.09. – 15.09. 59. Svjetsko natjecanje orača

Turistička zajednica grada Biograda

Trg hrvatskih velikana 2
23210 Biograd na Moru
Tel: 023/383 -123
Fax: 023/383 -123
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Foto: Arhiv TZ grada Biograda
