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World-famous cellist Ana Rucner was more active than she is usually is this past summer. In addition to a series of successful concerts that she held along the entire Adriatic coast, she was engaged as an ambassador of the Foundation “Island of Brač – somewhere between the sea and the stars”, and the turning point was a concert held in Bol.Svjetski poznata violončelistica Ana Rucner, ovog je ljeta bila aktivnija nego inače. Pored niza uspješnih koncerata koje je održala duž čitave jadranske obale, angažirala se kao ambasador Zaklade „Otok Brač – negdje između mora i zvijezda“, a prekretnica je bio koncert u Bolu. |

”On the day of the concert, the director of the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Bol, Markito Marinkovic, organised a promotional photo shoot at several typical Bol locations and introduced me to a fantastic photographer. It soon turned out that Robert Barilla was not only a photographer, but also volunteered for years as the director of the Foundation for Research and Preservation of the Heritage of the Island of Brač and is also the author of the monograph of the same name. I was among the first to see a trial copy of this “Brač Bible” and it is clear to me why its release is awaited with the same anticipation by ordinary people as by those in academic circles,’’ said Ana.

Pure love for the island of Brač is hidden among the 1,360 pages of this book, which is equipped with over 3,000 photographs, maps, documents and illustrations, imported in luxury leather binding, and is scheduled to be published early next year.

The whole Rucner family has houses on the island of Brač and they spend their summers in Povlja every year, so Ana has been connected to Brač since her back in the days of her very earliest childhood, and during her studies she held a concert tour throughout the island.

This great musician who erases all borders with her music, is one of the best representatives of Croatia in the world.

Her latest album is called “Croatian heritage”, and her own love for Croatian heritage was probably crucial for accepting the title and role of ‘’ambassador’’.

“On my next arrival to Brač, when we filmed a double for the monograph in the mysterious Dragon’s Cave, this acquaintance quickly grew into a friendship, and from mutual gatherings and great synergy, the role of an ‘’ambassador’’ was born. Somehow it happened by itself. There are few people who care about their heritage with so much love, energy and knowledge and I’m proud to be a part of this story. That’s why I listened to my heart and gave the Foundation my white cello decorated with Swarovski crystals. I’m happy to have been given the opportunity to give a part of myself to an island that has become a part of me. Let it stay on Brač as a sign of support for these fantastic people and as a memory of a wonderful collaboration. ”

During the month of September, a report on the Brač stone was filmed for the German television Arte TV, and Ana Rucner used every free moment to play and take photos in attractive island locations.

”I enjoyed every second of wandering around Brač with my cello. Playing in the Blaca Hermitage, the quarries, the Basilica of St. Lovre, under the starry sky of Lovrećina beach, as well as going in the sea with a horse, were special experiences. Although these were performances in front of only a few friends, I had the feeling that I was playing in crowded concert halls. I wore jewellery and fashion creations made by Brač designer Ida Stipčić Jakšić, a dress made of stone and dresses made of sea pebbles and jeans.
I’d like to give a special thank you to Mr. Markito Marinković for the household, young designer Anja Bolčević for the creation for the Dragon’s Cave, our guide Zoran Kojdić for the historical stories, Kristijan Mutarello for the chair with the motifs of the Dragon’s Cave and Bruno Miličko, a several-time Croatian champion in the super extreme class, who, with his Pinzgauer took us over some of the most demanding terrain. The first photo was taken next to the sculpture of an Angel with one wing by the academic sculptor Lovro Jakšić, and in response to the question “where is the other wing”, the last photo was taken in a quarry where I have a stone wing. This completes my story from Brač this year.
The experience of the island from a completely different angle and the view from the perspective of a man who knows it very well, have completely changed my previous image of this, the largest Dalmatian island. I can’t wait for my first free moment, when I will have the opportunity to get off the ferry in Supetar. Now I know that I am not coming to Brač, but entering a magical interspace that is somewhere between the sea and the stars,’’ Ana told us with enthusiasm.
Photo: Robert Barilla
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