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Ain’t no mountain high enough…

Write: Hot spots adventure blogger Mariana Andrijašević

Croatia offers so much in terms of rock climbing, not just for the professionals but also everybody searching for an adventure and a sport you will instantly fall in love with. In Croatia, there are over 70 existing crags and more than 3.000 routes equipped with bolts, not to mention so much rocks left still to be developed. Needless to say, we are a country of thousand islands so the views and the vicinity of the sea make the experience breath taking every time.


Split area offers over 400 bolted rock climbing routes for any kind of climbers,mostly taking the routes between 10 and 25 m of height with the difficulty level from 4c to 7a.


A true gem in this area is definitely Park Forest Marjan Hill, stunning location for many reasons: beautiful limestone cliffs, over 80 routes on the climbing area, the most amazing view of the Central Dalmatian islands and enchanting Mediterranean forest. And the best thing, pebble beach’s and teal sparkling waters just around the corner are inviting you for refreshment after the climb!



What’s amazing when you climb in the area of a 2000 year old City of Split is the opportunity to explore cultural heritage even in the nature! Per example, your rock climbing on Marjan Hill will be also a visit to the secluded 15th century small churches with the renaissance hermitage caves.


For limestone lovers, Croatia is the ultimate choice.  You can climb all year round by either seeking the sun in winter, or finding shade in the summer with a mid-day swim to cool off. Keep in mind, every fun and adventure sport, rock climbing also, requires a proper guide and discipline. Stay aware and enjoy!


Piše: Hot spots blogger Mariana Andrijašević

Mariana Andrijašević vlasnica je agencije Given2fly Adventures specijalizirane za aktivnosti na otvorenom u srednjoj Dalmaciji, a ujedno je i instruktorica profesionalnog penjanja s više od 20 godina iskustva i jedriličarka.


Foto: Given2fly Adventures