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The first place for a Romanian film about Zagreb!

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At the recently finished Baku International Tourism Film Festival, held in the capital of Azerbaijan, the Romanian film about Zagreb won the first place in the category of TV reports.

The film, titled “Zagreb, a city break” was created as a result of a study tour of the Romanian TV Channel Travel Mix, organized by the Zagreb Tourist Board. The participants were: Ms Madalina Neagoe – producer and Mr. Ion Gheorghe – cameraman. In 42 minutes the report shows all the most important attractions of Zagreb and its surroundings. It was made in July last year; it is synchronized to the English language and is available at:

The Zagreb Tourist Board is constantly working on the promotion of the Croatian capital. Through the cooperation with the media around the world, organization of the special promotions and participation at fairs, Zagreb was turned into one of the must-see destinations in Croatia.

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